Covid-19 Plan for UNSW Aikido

For Students and Instructors

  1. STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK! Even if you only have mild symptoms of colds or flu, stay at home until you are completely free of symptoms. Do not attend training if you are sick. Instructors can ask you not to train if they see that you are sick.

  2. Get a Covid-19 test if you have any flu-like symptoms. If the test result is positive, you must not come to training. You must register a negative covid19 test before returning to training. Notify the club of covid19 infection via the club’s email

  3. UNSW Aikido follows advice from NSW Health and recommends face masks be worn in indoor spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained. N95 masks are recommended over surgical masks or cloth masks. Bring your own. A supply of N95 masks are to be kept in the club’s cupboard for use by club members during training if they forget to bring their own.

  4. To ensure the dojo is well ventilated, windows need to be opened before the start of class and kept open for the duration of class.

  5. Wear a clean uniform for each class (launder between classes), and observe good personal hygiene.

  6. Bring your own equipment (weapons, uniforms) and do NOT SHARE them with others. If you are using club weapons. Disinfect weapons before and after use using the disinfectants wipes provided. Bring your own bandaids, strapping, and hand-sanitizer, and apply all of these yourself.

  7. Do not congregate in the foyer area before or after class. Maintain a physical distance of 1.5 meters between you and the next person. Get in and Get out. If there is a class before our session, we must wait for them to clear out the room before entering.

  8. Before and after training, clean your hands. Hand sanitiser is provided by the club.

  9. At all times, follow good respiratory hygiene. Avoid touching your face. Cough into an elbow if you need to. Use hand sanitiser regularly.

  10. Upon arrival, your name MUST be checked off the class roll.

  11. You will not be allowed to train if you are non-compliant to any of the terms listed in this COVID Management Plan.

Dojo Maintenance and management

  1. Mats will be disinfected before each class. All students are expected to ensure their training area has been disinfected.

  2. Windows to be open before class

For Instructors

  1. Ensure the above Personal and Dojo Management guidelines are being followed - ultimately the instructor is responsible and makes the decision on training protocols.

  2. If you notice that someone is unwell before or during the training. Register their name on the roll, then turn them away and ask them to go and get a COVID test. Tell the person that they should not train until they are well.

  3. Make covid reminder announcements before training. These can be mentioned when red tape reminder is mentioned. Reminder announcements may include the following:

  • Reiterate that people should not be here if they are not feeling 100% well.

  • Reiterate the important of general personal hygiene.

  • Reiterate that if they fall ill after training and it turns out to be COVID, they must notify the club immediately.

What will success look like? 

  1. All participants at UNSW Aikido are aware and follow Covid Safe Guidelines

  2. UNSW Aikido club can train and perform our activities under Covid protocols

  3. A safe training environment is provided for all participants

How to raise non-compliance?

  1. Compliance to the Covid safety plan is the responsibility of everyone in the UNSW Aikido club.

  2. If you notice any non-compliance, please raise it with an instructor or committee member and they will take action and address the issue.

Further information

Stay up to date with the latest recommendations from NSW Health. Current advice from the NSW Chief Health Officer is to “exercise common sense and wear a face mask in public indoor spaces, where physical distancing cannot be maintained.”

For more information on the recent NSW Health Winter update click here. For a recent updates on scientific research into effective mask use click here. For information about Long Covid, click here and here.

Last updated 16-10-2022